domestic abuse

What Emotional Abuse Looks Like

What Emotional Abuse Looks Like

This post was written by my friend JM, who was in an emotionally abusive situation. It's important for people in similar situations to hear about someone else's experience so they know they’re not alone. It can help them get clarity around what's happening and get the help they need.It also highlights why the typical relationship advice doesn't work in these situations.


Today is my one year anniversary from leaving my narcissistic, emotionally, mentally, financially, every type besides physically abusive ex husband.

I wanted to originally post this to my page but, even though my boyfriend, friends, and family support me, a fb war between me and my ex or people that think he’s “amazingly awesome” is not what I want. He and I both taught at the same high school (I left), so he has a LOT of people who think he’s a wonderful human and I’m responsible and abandoned him. Lol.

So, here’s the post I was going to write.

A year ago today…