Is it a Heated Argument or Abuse?

Hope & Healing After Abuse: Carla's Story

Have you ever wondered if what you’re experiencing is abuse? Have you wondered if you are the crazy one in your relationship?

Carla shares her experience of figuring out what she was experiencing wasn’t right and how she found hope and healing after abuse.

Hope & Healing After Abuse: Hannah Hollander

Hope & Healing After Abuse: Hannah Hollander

Hannah Hollander is one of my heroes. She started a movement by speaking her truth about the abuse she suffered in her marriage. She's empowered thousands of others to do the same, helping them recognize and overcome abuse. She's started the Facebook page Speak Your Truth and the website…

7 Steps to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Be Gentle with Yourself

Be Gentle with Yourself

Last week, I asked my friend Andrea, who just finished the online abuse recover program, on what topic I should do a video. Her response: "Be gentle with yourself."

I wish I could sit down and look you in the eye and tell you to be gentle with yourself.

There's a lot of pain and frustration that goes along with an abusive situation. It's so confusing.

You wonder how you could be so bad to bring out…

Emotional Abuse: Myths and Truths

Emotional Abuse: Myths and Truths

If you're in the middle of an emotionally abusive relationship, it can be hard to see the truth.

Narcissists and abusers are so adept at telling lies, that they begin to sound like truth.

In this video we will debunk four common myths of emotional abuse and help you see the REAL, honest truth of what is happening in your relationship.

For more help, access our FREE Abuse Recovery Guide at

Additional helpful Video: Do I Bring Out the Worst in My Abuser?

Do I Bring Out the Worst in My Abuser?

Do I Bring Out the Worst in My Abuser?

Many people wonder if they bring out the worst in their abuser.

They wonder this for two reasons:

1. Their abuser has…

Inspiring Abuse Survivor: Hannah Hollander

Inspiring Abuse Survivor: Hannah Hollander

Today we're highlighting Hannah Hollander, an inspiring abuse survivor. Hannah is open in sharing her truth about experiencing emotional abuse. We honor all the abuse survivors who share their truth and are helping to end the stigma of abuse. YOU ARE NOT ALONE…

How to Stop Feeling Attached to a Guy Who's Bad for You

How to Stop Feeling Attached to a Guy Who's Bad for You

Are you in a relationship (or starting a relationship) with a guy who's bad for you? How can you stop feeling attached to someone when you're in an unhealthy relationship (even an abusive relationship)? This video will walk you through 4 steps to take so you can break free from an unhealthy relationship and find REAL happiness again.