Part 2: What to do when a child takes on traits of the abuser, how to heal, how to trust again

Learn how to deal with a child who takes on traits of the abuser and treats you poorly. Annette and I also discuss how to stop beating yourself up after an abusive relationship (you’ve already suffered enough) and how to trust yourself and others again.

Is it a Heated Argument or Abuse?

Hope & Healing After Abuse: Carla's Story

Have you ever wondered if what you’re experiencing is abuse? Have you wondered if you are the crazy one in your relationship?

Carla shares her experience of figuring out what she was experiencing wasn’t right and how she found hope and healing after abuse.

Be Gentle with Yourself

Be Gentle with Yourself

Last week, I asked my friend Andrea, who just finished the online abuse recover program, on what topic I should do a video. Her response: "Be gentle with yourself."

I wish I could sit down and look you in the eye and tell you to be gentle with yourself.

There's a lot of pain and frustration that goes along with an abusive situation. It's so confusing.

You wonder how you could be so bad to bring out…