I Know Why Women Stay

I Know Why Women Stay

Intimate partner violence (domestic abuse) is an issue that affects both women and men. Research indicates that 1 in 4 women in the United States and 1 in 7 men will experience intimate partner violence at some point. Staggering numbers.

Often, the abused partner has a difficult time leaving the relationship and even after they’ve left will get questions like, “Why didn't you leave sooner?” “If it was that bad, why did you stay?”

If only it were that easy.

An abusive relationship is totally incomprehensible to anyone who has never experienced it. It doesn’t make sense that another human being would act the way the abused person describes the abuser to be acting, so they just figure the abused person is exaggerating or did something to bring the abuse on themselves.

The following article will bring clarity to anyone who wonders, “Why did you stay so long if it was so bad?”


“I know why women stay” This is what my friend said to me…